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Lady's Secret

Lady's Secret Dame Lady's Secret COUSSINETS ANTI-DOULEUR 

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Lady’s Secret : Det hemmelige tilbehør til komfortable fødder
For fans of beautiful shoes who, when faced with their wardrobe, have a hard time deciding on a pair. For those who know that femininity and elegance start with shoes as they give style, refine the silhouette, and elongate the legs. For those who are concious of the fact that style goes hand in hand with comfort, the JLF group has created Lady's Secret accessories. The French leader in technological soles, the JLF group offers their expertise to shoe lovers everywhere. Lady's Secret accessories prevent and soothe pain and discomfort caused by high-heeled and pointy-toed shoes. Rubbing, overheating, sliding, blisters...Women who wear refined and elegant models know all the inconveniences. The respect for the highest standards and norms combined with the advice of experts and chiropodists means that Lady's Secret can solve all these little problems and make life that much more comfortable. With Lady's Secret, while comfortably wearing your shoes, your feet will come back to life...and so will you!

Accessories Dame Skotilbehør Lady's Secret COUSSINETS ANTI-DOULEUR Brun

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Accessories Dame Skotilbehør Lady's Secret COUSSINETS ANTI-DOULEUR Brun
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Disponible størrelser
Accessories Dame Skotilbehør Lady's Secret COUSSINETS ANTI-DOULEUR NO HURT Sort


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